Monday, February 23, 2015

How can you describe the Cunninghams?

How can you describe the Cunninghams?

    The Cunninghams are really nice people. It is really sad how poor they are and that shows that not all good people have money. They always pay you back when they borrow something but not has you might expect. They pay you pay with what they grow on their farms. Like potatoes and holly during the Christmas time. They always pay you back with more then what you give them. That is how you know they are really great people. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

What is so special about The Radley house?

What is so special about The Radley house?

    The Radley house is special because it is the house everyone blames when something goes wrong. For example, when some town's chickens and household pets were killed they always looked at the house. Even though it was really Crazy Addie. Another reason why the house is special is because of the people in it. People think Boo Radley is crazy. They think that way because he stabbed his Dad with a pair a scissors. His Dad refused to put him in an asylum. The only thing wrong with Boo Radley is that he is probably has a  mental disability. Sadly, his Dad died and his older brother has ownership over the house. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How is the lawyer's life?

How is the lawyer's life?

    In the book it seems the lawyer hasn't had good luck with his last two cases. His last two cases ended up with a with both men being hanged. This was the beginning of his dislike for the practice of criminal law. Also his wife died because of a sudden heart attack. Leaving the lawyer and the cook, Capurnia  to   raise Jem and Scout. Jem and Scout are the lawyer's sons. Jem said he found his father satisfactory. He also said that his father plays and read to them. The lawyer seems to be a good person and a good father. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Introduction and What does the author mean by it's a sin to kill a mockingbird?

Introduction and What does the author mean by it's a sin to kill a mockingbird?

    Over and over again I heard about how good this book is. Now I am finally reading. I am so excited.
    It's a sin to kill a mockingbird. In that statement, the author means it a sin to kill a black person. In the book a black man is falsely accused of rape. A mockingbird is a symbol of the black man. And in the bible it says thou shall not kill. Showing that the author or the lawyer was on the black man's side and they were not racist. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

What are some lesson's Maya Angelou learned when she was little?

What are some lesson's Maya Angelou learned when she was little?

   Maya Angelou learns a lot during her course of life. She uses what she learns to help others. One of the first lessons Maya learns is not everyone is going to like you. When Maya was small the kids at church would laugh and bother her. Another lesson is that Maya learns is appearance doesn't matter. She learns that when people would say something mean about her looks but they would always say something good about her personality. There are a lot more lessons she learns. People should really read her books to found them out because they really do help you with life. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why did Maya Angelou name her book I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings?

Why did Maya Angelou name her book I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings?

     Maya Angelou named her book I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings because it symbolizes her and how she felt going through this part of her life. The bird is represents her. The caged bird is symbolic for how emotions, situations and people made her feel trapped. People, situations and emotions overwhelmed her.  She sings or the caged bird sings because they have hope. They can see the light in the long dark tunnel. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

What does it mean when Maya Angelou's grandmother calls her tender-hearted?

What does it mean when Maya Angelou's grandmother calls her tender hearted?

    In the book Maya Angelou and her family are visited by the presiding elder, named Reverend Thomas. Maya and her brother, Bailey aren't to fond of him. Reverend Thomas visits every 3 months and stays at Maya's house. Every Time me he comes he ask for a hug from Maya but he never gets a hug. This is when her grandmother calls her tender hearted Her grandmother says that because she is kind, compassionate and shy.